Welcome to Wang Lab
Developing Novel Methodologies to Improve Healthcare
Wearable Sensor + Multiome + ML/DL + Statistics
Who we are: We are a research group in the Gilbert S. Omenn Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB) and the Stanley and Judith Frankel Institute for Heart and Brain Health (Frankel IHBH) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Research Goal: We aim to develop advanced computational and statistical methods to integrate diverse biomedical data, driving early disease detection, personalized interventions, and effective disease prevention. Our goal is to bridge wearable sensor data, multi-omics data, and clinical data through data-driven approaches, uncovering novel insights into heart and brain health and their associated diseases.
Current Research: Our current work focuses on developing novel methodologies to investigate the relationship between wearable sensor data, molecular profiles, and health outcomes in age-related heart and brain diseases, as well as mental health. We aim to identify clinically relevant digital markers and design personalized interventions to improve heart and brain health.
Contact us: Email: mwmeng@umich.edu Office: NCRC B25-2698