Welcome to Wang Lab
Developing New Methodologies to Improve Healthcare
Multiome + Wearable Sensor + Statistics + ML/DL
Who we are: We are a research group in the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics (DCMB) and the Stanley and Judith Frankel Institute for Heart and Brain Health (Frankel IHBH) at the University of Michigan.
Research Goal and Interest: Our group aims to use big data including both multi-omics data and wearable sensor readouts from a data-driven approach to better understand human health and disease. Our overall research interest is developing new statistical methods and computational tools by integrating diverse biomedical data for early detection, intervention, and prevention of diseases.
Current Research: At DCMB and Frankel IHBH, we currently focus on developing new machine learning and deep learning methods with statistical analysis from a data-driven approach to study multi-tissue responses to exercise and under disease models, and tissue-tissue communication, to provide insights for therapeutic benefit.
Contact us: Email: mwmeng@umich.edu Office: NCRC B25-2698 and DCMB
09/01/2023: Wang lab started at the University of Michigan!