Developing Novel Methodologies to Improve Healthcare

Wearable Sensor + Multiome + ML/DL + Statistics 

Wearable COVID study

We used consumer smartwatches for the pre-symptomatic detection of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the work of Mishra, Wang,, Nat. Biomed. Eng (2020). Both offline and online anomaly detection algorithms were developed for detecting physiological alterations due to the COVID infection. This work demonstrated the potential ability that activity tracking and health monitoring via consumer wearable devices can be used for the large-scale, real-time detection of respiratory infections, often pre-symptomatically. 

We developed a real-time smartwatch-based alerting system for detecting the COVID-19 and other stress events in the work of Alavi, Bogu, Wang, et al., Nat. Med (2022). In this paper, the alarming algorithms were developed to detect aberrant physiological and activity signals (heart rates and steps) associated with the onset of early infection. This paper showed that a real-time alerting system can be used for early detection of infection and other stressors and employed on an open-source platform that is scalable to millions of users.

Multiome study in the GTEx project

We quantified proteins from more than 12,000 genes across 32 normal human tissues in the work of Jiang, Wang, et. al. Cell (2020). In this study,  a novel robust normalization method (RobNorm) was developed, a new tissue-specificity score system with statistical analysis (AdaTiSS, AdaReg) was constructed, and an integrative approach between proteome and transcriptome was used to reveal protein and RNA concordant/discordant patterns. This study provided an in-depth view of complex biological events that require the interplay of multiple tissues and demonstrated how understanding the protein level can provide insights into regulation, secretome, metabolism, and human diseases. A user-friendly website “TSomics” was constructed to search and compare tissue specificities across ‘omes for public use. 

Signal detection

In the work of Arias-Castro, Castro, Tánczos, Wang, JASA (2018), we investigated two distribution-free procedures – one based on the scan statistic calibrated by permutation and another one on a novel rank-based scan statistic – to detect structured anomalies such as abnormal intervals in one dimension. The paper showed that using one of these calibration procedures results in only a very small loss of power in the context of a natural exponential family. The procedure using the rank-based scan statistic has been applied to detect abnormal resting heart rates in the context of early detection of COVID from a smart watch.

Several signal detection methods were developed under the sparse mixture models in the works of Arias-Castro, Wang (2015, 2017).

Privacy Protection

We developed and analyzed privacy-protected mechanisms under the framework of differential privacy for protecting privacy in GWAS and healthcare data (Bioinformatics, 2017 and IEEE TKDE, 2018).